Advanced Deliberative and Legislative Skills for Lawmakers

The legislature is one of the essential pillars of a democratic state. Without laws to regulate social behaviour, society will degenerate into anarchy. But lawmaking is an intensely deliberative and contentious process.
To build consensus around different points of view and pass laws that represent diverse interests, lawmakers need strong consultative and deliberative skills.
The main aim of this executive programme is to strengthen the deliberative and legislative skills of lawmakers in Nigeria.
This executive retreat will be hosted with ICCS partners in Cape Town, South Africa.
Other objectives are:
- To help deepen a culture of debate and consensus building in law making
- To underline the importance of constituency consultation to legislative work
- To help build an interface between lawmakers and their counterparts in selected democratic countries abroad
- Tore-skill legislators on how to mobilize and engage interest groups and the media
- To emphasize the importance of civil and issue-based debate on the house floor.
Topics to be addressed include:
- Rethinking law making, oversight and social change
- Strategies for engaging constituents and interest groups
- The fundamentals of media relations
- Drafting and moving a supportable motion
- Research and the law making process
- Essential skills in leading a divided house
- Understanding committee sittings
- Managing public hearings
- Ethics and the law making process.
- The substance and language of argumentative delivery
Methods of Delivery
- Presentations
- Simulations
- Interactive sessions
- Case studies
- Lawmakers