Communication Skills for Non-Communication Managers

Managers in organizations have a responsibility to communicate decisions and goals to their work teams in an accurate and effective manner.
Communication that is full of jargon and errors will impede understanding and decision making. This is why even managers in non-communication departments need to regularly learn to communicate clearly and meaningfully with others in the work place.
The goal of this intensive course is to train managers in non-communication roles on how to communicate in a clear and effective way in the organization.
Other objectives are:
- To train participants on communication and other presentation skills required in a corporate context.
- To re-skill staff on the basic/advanced forms and techniques of organizational communication.
- To sensitize participants on the vital role of excellent communication skills in building a corporate culture and reputation.
Topics to be addressed include:
- Understanding grammar and structure in writing
- Managing jargon and technical vocabulary
- Making financial presentations
- Elements of effective communication:
- Power point presentation skills
- Techniques for effective report writing
- Tone and attitude in business communication
- Errors to avoid in organizational communication
- Communication and the decision making process.
- Crisis communication.
Methods of Delivery
- Lectures
- Presentations
- Case for practical work.
- Role play
- Interactive sessions
Who Should Attend:
- Corporate communication managers
- Social performance managers
- CSR/investment managers
- Community relations managers
- Public relations managers
- Public/government affairs managers
- Project managers
- Marketing/brand managers
- Regulatory affairs managers
- Sustainability and responsibility managers
- Heads of NGOs
Course Fee: ₦300,000 per participant (fee includes expert facilitation and electronic course materials)